
For Employers

Keep your employees Healthy and Happy!

Employee concerns about their health and finances distracts from productivity.1

With HealthRx™, your employees (and their families) can get the prescription care they need to stay healthy for free.

Avoid lost productivity due to illness

On average, businesses lose $3000/employee due to illnesses every year.6

With HealthyRx™, your business will experience increased employee satisfaction and renewed employee commitment. In addition, you will enjoy a substantial decrease in employee:2

  • Turnover
  • Health Insurance Claims
  • Litigation
  • Short & Long Term Disability
  • Absenteeism
  • Depression

Attract and retain new talent

The majority of job applicants consider employer sponsored health benefits when selecting a new job, with health benefits being named the most important.4

With HealthyRx™, your business will become even more appealing to candidate employees and you will generate more goodwill.

Generate fantastic returns on employee health benefits.

Employers that offer mental health services for employees see a return of $4 for every dollar invested in mental health treatment.5

With HealthyRx™, your employees will be healthier and happier, resulting in a 4X return on your investment in their health.


Financial Anxiety and Stress among U.S. Households: New Evidence from the National Financial Capability Study and Focus Groups. FINRA & GFLEC.

Adapted from “The Business Case for a Healthy Workplace” by Industrial Accident and Prevention Association

Study: Financial stress amongst employees has skyrocketed with 63% of employees unable to cover a $500 emergency expense. SecureSave.

Which Health and Employee Benefits Attract Employees? ADP & SourceMedia Research/Employee Benefit News

Mental distress costs employers $5,000 per worker each year. Business Insurance.

Absenteeism – Why should you be concerned? Circadian.